Friday, June 20, 2014

An update...

Sometime ago I started working on embroidered apprentice and protoge tipits with my two peers arms embroidered on them. I had put them on the wayside for a while but have picked them back up again.

Here is an update on the apprentice tippet:

Post more when more is done! And FTR I hate stranded silk! Twisted is so much easier! :D

A Newly Taught Craft: Teneriffe lace

So my friend Sue came over last night on crafty night and taught me how to do a version of needle lace called teneriffe lace.  It was quite fun and went fairly quickly. I produced one in a little over an hour. Here are the pictures of it.

First you start with a round needle point type disk and you stitch around the edges to create what will anchor it on while you weave.

Then you add the first Row of stitched around and knot it in the center to give them tension and hold them in place.

Then you put weave three rows round the center going over every four strands.

Then you move a little ways up, using your own personal judgement and weave over four again.

You do the same on the next row but you pick up differing four's to make the weave more decorative.

On the last round you go over two's and when finished you knot it off, and cut away the blue anchoring threads.

This is the finished result. 

It was made out of cotton thread (as it was given to me for free to do my trial disk).
I really enjoyed it and would most certainly do it again. I saw it used in period on an apron and may consider this path down the road when making more.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A couple more projects done

Well, I have been busy lately and feel ashamed i have not posted anything since March. is a catch up!
First, I knit another pair of socks..this time its a pair for my son Leo. Just a basic pattern, a soft acrylic yarn (kids are tough on clothes so no fancy wool for them right now)...nothing special. I have the concept down fairly well now.  I think the next pair will be something more elaborate on the cuff. Then perhaps Ill work down to a design on the foot itself.

Next, I finished a project I had actually started a little while ago for a friend who has honey bees. I saw it, immediately thought of her and started it. Its DMC cotton thread on linen, though I don't recall the count.

Lastly, a friend asked me to make a medallion so I embroidered this for her. It is one strand of twisted silk done on linen, over two.  I had to actually purchase a pair of reading glasses to be able to see the tiny weave to embroider it.  Im quite pleased with how it came out.  I placed a quarter in the picture to show size. 

I have a few more projects on my list I am working on. More as I finish them. 

 Hi!  I have moved my blog to wordpress. After a short I will be shutting this one down.  Here is the link to the new site where i backed up...